The whole Island had a black out yesterday, no power, twice! The first time wasn't to bad, in my village, because it only lasted for about 20 minutes. It was around 1430 and I was cleaning up the kitchen so power was not really needed for that. On base, and other parts of the Island it was off for around 2 hours, that we know of, because my husband came home.
Right after I had just finished making dinner the power went out, again. That was around 1800. My husband was almost finished with his online homework and was about to turn it in, good thing he saved it because our laptop turns off if it's not plugged in. It was still light outside so we didn't have to eat in the dark. I guess if we had to it would have added a little bit of romance.
After dinner we cleaned up the kitchen and it was really nice because there was no TV on or any other noisy objects. It was just hubby and I talking and laughing; which doesn't happen a lot because it's always the TV or Xbox taking over the talking.
At this point the power had still not come on so my husband decided to go to bed and set his alarm for 0400 to finish and turn in his homework hoping the power would be turned on by then. As for me, I am a late nighter and a horrible morning person so there was no way I was going to bed.
Candles were starting to be needed so I grabbed 4 and set them on the table by the couch. I was getting board fast. I decided to do a little bit of knitting. Every time I knit in front of people they always call me an old women. Frankly I am proud of my acquired talent and in that moment it came in handy. Sitting there on the couch with candles and no noise was making me tired so at 2100 I hit the hey. We woke up at 0300 and the lights were on :). My husband finished and turned in his homework and then we went back to sleep.
I thought our house was like some great power house because even in the storm when all of our friends had no power we had power the whole time. I feel like this is what I get for bragging to my husband about our wonderful power energy house. But hey, when the Island is out of power, the Island is out of power! I have no idea what was going on on the Island and I don't know if it's a normal occurrence and if it is, depending on the time frame of the day this could turn out to be a really good thing or not so good thing...